Browsing "family"
Sep 13, 2010 - family    No Comments

Bike riding

Dave and Bill have been doing lots of long and challenging bike rides this year, but on Sunday they let Ingrid go with them. They did a more leisurely ride along the University trail system, and even found a playground! This was the first time that Ingrid has been on a ride without an adult walking alongside, but with everyone on bikes. 

Sep 4, 2010 - family    No Comments


Listening to the song "The Bear Necessities," she sings along "Where's the Recipes, oh, where's some recipes…"

Pinwheels were Spinwheels for a while (makes sense) and the windmills by the airport are Windwheels.

(I'm trying to remember to write these down more.)
Aug 11, 2010 - family    No Comments

Ingrid at the Park: Pt 1.

We've been going to the school park since Ingrid was a baby, but this time she suddenly had a new confidence that we'd never seen before! She did all of the elements by herself, and despite falling (off her bike, in the driveway, and off the playground) she still managed to stand up and keep on going. This is also the first time she's managed to ride her bike all the way to the park and back without needing a lift at any point. More specifics will be on Flickr.