I am an instructional technologist in higher education. I help faculty integrate technology into their teaching, and I also teach (a first year seminar, and Technology in Education) at my university. I work with our student teachers on portfolio creation, and love what I do.
I am the wife to one great guy and the mama to two great girls. Ingrid is in 2nd grade, and Willa is 3.5.
I grew up in Grand Lake Stream, Maine, and I now live in Bangor, Maine.
I blog about teaching, and running, and technology, and family, and once, scallop gonads. I don’t keep separate blogs or twitter accounts for the various things I am interested in, as I find that I can’t easily compartmentalize what I am passionate about. You can use the tag cloud or categories to filter out what interests you, if you’d rather skip over some of my posts. I merged several former blogs together in 2012, and have done my best to tag the old posts appropriately.
The views expressed here are my own.