I was beginning to feel a little badly that I haven’t taken Ingrid to the library in ages, because we all love books, and library trips are some of my favorite childhood memories. I still use the library, but working on a campus means I do a lot of interlibrary loan, and not nearly as much browsing. (and being busy with two kids cuts down on browsing time too.) I feel better after today, as when I picked Ingrid up and was able to see her lead teacher, the teacher asked if I maybe had any books about Maine that they could borrow for their Maine week next week. Exactly no one will be shocked that I did. I have a dozen books for them to use. So, we may not be making it to BPL as much as I’d like, but we apparently have gained a reputation for seeming to LIVE in a library. I do think that when the summer hours end at BPL and we can go on Saturdays, we’ll go more often again. And in non bookworm news, today was my second to last friday off for summer hours at my job, so I switched out kids at daycare, dropping willa off just as Ingrid would be waking from her nap. Ingrid and I came home and donned swimsuits, walked over to the city pool for a cool down, played in the adjacent playground for a while, walked home by way of the neighborhood ice cream stand, and once home, played several rounds of a new game I got for her (Zingo). It was great to spend an afternoon with my big girl.