Ingrid had her choice of ANYthing in TRU to spend her bday money. Chose this. love her. #hghw
Ingrid had her choice of ANYthing in TRU to spend her bday money. Chose this. love her. #hghw (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Amaro
Ingrid had her choice of ANYthing in TRU to spend her bday money. Chose this. love her. #hghw (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Amaro
Ing did her own hair today. One side pony, one sparkly headband, one gem barrette. (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
This purple stuff is taking over our back 40! (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
Spied a @nescom (alum? Student?) hard at work at MMA! (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Sutro
My smoothie jar blender solution! (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
The season opener. (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
Ingrid is learning to skate. (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Nashville
Mango, rasp, blue, kale, coromega, flax and wheat germ. Just add kefir and blend in jar (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
My fortune today seemed especially timely, considering things. (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Lo-fi
Willa is very carefully laying out her toys. Maybe she’s planning a yard sale! (Taken with Instagram at )
Instagram filter used: Earlybird