Willa likes her slide!
Finding time
I forgot to post last Friday, but I did w4d1 a second time, after a week passing since trying it the first time, and I did improve. Right now I'm just struggling to find the time! That part sucks. Fridays have been good, because I am on summer flex hours, I am able to go out first thing in the morning after the girls are ready for school (Dave does dropoff) and I usually leave before they do, but am back after they've gone. Then I can take a shower and start my day, and it's pretty great. Ideally, I'd end up being someone who could run in the morning, but that isn't happening for a while — for one, the baby tanks up in those hours, for two, it would mean totally changing our family rhythm, as right now I shower at night, and in the morning I get myself and the girls fed and dressed while Dave showers and gets ready. I leave before he comes downstairs (generally RIGHT before) and he takes them to daycare. If I were to try to run in the AM, I'd have to figure out how to get two showers in with enough hot water for both of us, plus start drying my hair, which is all precious minutes that I don't use right now. I do like starting my day with exercise, when I can (basically, at this point that's Friday and Sunday, if I'm lucky) but I don't know how that would work in reality.
Average: 16:18 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:25 /mile
Willa rocking
She’s been doing this the last few days, only much faster and with more of a defiant look. 🙂
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Willa at the daycare picnic
My girl has figured out how to get in the rocking chair by herself!
Ing’s gym show, part 2.
Here is part two, I had to post it on youtube for length.
Ingrid’s Gymnastics Show
Ingrid took gymnastics this winter, and her show was yesterday. These videos will only be of interest to those who really love her, but they must be shared! She is in a a black bike-shorts leotard, and has her hair back in french braids. She’s the last to go on the bars, and then she does her forward roll, broken legged dog, and cartwheel in the second video. I’ve joked that she tries to approach cartwheels like she’s doing her taxes, and you can see that happening in the next