May 28, 2011 - fitness    2 Comments

Week 3 is in the bag (again).

Another crazy busy week, but I finished week 3, again, this morning and am confident to tackle week 4 starting on Monday. Yay!

One thing I've found is that Runners find out about this and ask "what race are you training for?" and I really am not training for a race, I'm just racing to complete this program and then, well, we'll see. The race (like it is for many Runners) is against myself, and I'm doing it at my own pace — if I bomb week 4, I'll do it again, I won't just pull out, even if I want to.

But on the events/races/etc, is it better to be training for a Something? Should I set some goal of doing an honest-to-god 5k? I'm still not sure. 

Distance: 1.96 miles
Average: 15:51 /mile
Fastest Pace: 8:56 /mile

Walk Pace: 16:07
Run Pace: 12:12