Apr 29, 2011 - fitness    No Comments


… is in the bag. This was one I wasn't quite feeling, before I got out there, but I went anyway and managed to do allll of the running. I also mapped out a route that should work next time, so I can 'race' myself. I love my app(s) because I'm not watching the time count down, so I find myself saying "okay, if he doesn't say 'walk' by the time I get to that pole,  I will stop walking, anyway. " And then I totally don't, so I find myself going pole to pole to stop sign to whatever landmark and then the guy says walk and I am so proud of surviving!!

Walk Time: 29:28
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.86 miles
Average: 15:51 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:29 /mile
Walk Pace: 16:48
Run Pace: 12:28
Apr 28, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

Week 2!

It was misty and not exactly warm, but I just saddled up and did it anyway. When I was going to the Y regularly, one of my Group Power instructors said "the hardest part is showing up," and it's so true. Once I start changing my clothes, I am on my way, but if I linger and think of all the things I could do OTHER than exercise, it's easy to find reasons to not do it. So if I tell myself "well, just find your clothes and see how it is when you get dressed….." barring family emergency, I'm going to go out. And when I go out, I'm going to finish. I need to remember that.

This was the first day of week 2, alternating  2 minutes of walking with 90 seconds of running. I did all but the last 60 seconds of running, because I was starting to get sort of wheezy (it was cold). But I did it! I think it helps that I have people waiting to see my auto-update on Facebook. 

Walk Time: 32:11
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.93 miles
Average: 16:38 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:52 /mile

Walk Pace 16:41
Run Pace 13:17
Apr 24, 2011 - fitness    No Comments


I finished week 1!

Ingrid wanted to go with me, so I ended up doing just a bit on the streets, and then going to the school park and basically running willy-nilly around the fields and sidewalks there while she played.  A former colleague (and mom of one of Ing's preschool classmates) showed up with her family, and even though I could have totally stopped to just hang out with her, I didn't. Even more huge, she is a tiny sliver of a thing, and I didn't feel any shame in being hot and gross and sweaty as I ran back and forth. This is kind of huge, but that's for another post.

I keep track of my data via two apps on my iPhone, Walkmeter and the C25K app, and today the C25k app went a little wonky and gave me credit for miles I totally didn't do, so I'm not sure how to trust that (or change it). I think that the GPS just got squirrelly with my back and forth running, the map overlay looks like someone tried to scriblle out the fields between the two schools. I also did pause a tiny bit to help Ing on the swings, and to talk to my friend, but not for very long.

Walk Time: 33:28
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.74 miles
Average: 19:17 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:47 /mile
(the Walk/Run pace data comes from C25K, and I'm not sure how accurate it is, since it credited me with double my actual mileage.)
Walk Pace: 17.4
Run Pace: 13:08
Apr 22, 2011 - fitness    No Comments


It took a few days to get to day 2, because it was COLD here, so cold it was hailing and snowing on the two days I could've gone, and, well. I'm not that hardcore yet.

Today was bright and sunny, and the only con was that the sand left over from winter was kicking up and getting in my mouth. I ended up doing a few laps of a loop of streets that is very untraveled (I didn't see a single car on any of the loops I did) and sort of treated that as my own personal oval. I got more distance today, and I even made my arms go in the right direction a few times, I think!


Walk Time: 30:25
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.84 miles
Average: 16:33 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:36 /mile
Walk Pace: 16:02
Run Pace: 13:12
Apr 22, 2011 - family    No Comments

Ingrid said…

Today when she was getting dressed, she complained that her underpants were hurting her "belly wrist."

You may know that as a "waist."
Apr 19, 2011 - family    No Comments

Ingrid fleeing

This was from Healthy Kids Day at the Y. Ingrid is fleeing from Bananas. She is not into mascots at all.


Sent from my iPhone

Apr 19, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

W1D1, take 2

I redid the first day today. It was milder, I had my inhaler in my pocket (and I didn’t need it, but I felt much better just having it) and the girls had been home with their dad because of the holiday, and Ingrid really wanted to run with me, so she came for the first part. It was great, actually, having her with me meant that I didn’t go too fast, and it was fun to have her along. We did a little loop to start, and she was exhausted when I dropped her off at home before zooming out to finish my part. Instead of headphones I just put my iPhone on load and she responded to the commands like a well-trained show horse. “We gotta run, mama!” And so we did.

This time, I ran every segment I was told to, and if I had to slow down for Ingrid, I’d run a little longer into the walk section, but I did every running part. Yay!

Walk Time: 29:12
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.64 miles
Average: 17:45 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:17 /mile
Walk pace: 18:05
Run Pace: 13:51
Apr 17, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

C25K, Day 1.

Day 1 was yesterday, 4/16/2011. It… was.

After investing about $100 into this fitness plan, I absolutely HAD to start on the day I said I would, no excuses. So I laced up my new shoes ($80), put on my new shirt ($10) and my new headphones ($5 — they were on clearance!) and stepped outside, and hit Go on my new app ($4.) I decided to head across Hammond, to a neighborhood that is still pretty flat, but familiar. I walked when the app told me, and at the first run cue, I did. But it was cold. And windy. People I saw out were walking dogs, and wearing hats and mittens, and I was running into the wind and my lungs started to tighten and I remembered I’d forgotten my inhaler, which is rarely needed, but allergies, cold, and exercise are all triggers. Crap. Not having it made me nervous, so I decided to take every cue as a separate one, and decided to do what I could. I looped back at Webster, after doing the first two running segments, and walked for the middle running segments. When I got back onto my side of Hammond, I did the last 3 running segments, because it was less windy (I was perpendicular to the wind over here) and I felt better about being so close to home. (Not that I was FAR from home, but I walk these streets all the time.) 

I came home after the 30 minutes, red faced and definitely feeling like I’d exercised, but really only did half of the 1st day of the C25K program, so I think I’ll redo it tomorrow. One step at a time.

Edited to add data:

1.8mi, 16:48 walk pace, 14:10/mi run pace. (30 min.)

Apr 13, 2011 - family    No Comments

Ingrid’s Medal

Ingrid has been doing gymnastics this winter, and ever since she saw a classmate pass Level 2, and receive a medal, she has been working really hard to get that same medal. (For passing level 1, you get a ribbon, which is nice but not NEARLY as cool as a medal.) She finally passed! She wore the medal for the entire weekend, and to school on Monday, where she was allowed to share even though it wasn’t her share day! She is very, very proud of her medal.
