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Sep 18, 2011 - fitness    7 Comments

My First Race Report!

When I started the C25K plan in spring, I didn’t have a race planned, and I wasn’t training for anything. But then when our wellness people at work were brainstorming things to do, I mentioned the Komen Race for the Cure as something we could do, and we all thought it was a good idea, but then nothing ever came of it. I had volunteered to captain the team, but then summer carried on and I smushed my toe, and I was kind of hoping no one would remember it. Our wellness director, did, though, and so I sucked it up, realized that I was being ridiculous, that I should be celebrating my good health and good fortune, and Race for the Cure was the BEST place to try my hand at a real, live, 5k. I started the team with only 3 weeks before the race, and set my goal for $250, and thanks to very generous friends and family, I exceeded my goal! I also set the goal for the team to be 5 coworkers, and it ended up that 18 were on our team. 

Having had a very fraught relationship with exercise and athletics for my whole life, I’m sure that some people might have thought “Gretchen’s going to run a race? Man, I’d PAY to see that!” and so they did. But having people that had paid meant I really had to go DO THIS. Very scary indeed. And when the baby had a GI bug on Friday, I was hoping beyond hope that it would not transfer to me. (Thank god, it didn’t.)  The other thing I was fretting about was that the race sent an email telling us that timed bibs had to be pinned on…. sideways. For someone already feeling intimidated by an organized athletic event, having that directive made me even more nervous that I was actually being punked. I decided to wait til I got there to pin on my bib, just in case. (And it turns out that it was not a way to trick the newbies, but somehow the bibs got printed wrong. Okay.)

I had Dave drop me off, and I wandered the waterfront for a bit, hoping to see other members of my team (but only finding a few) and I ran into some other people I knew. There were lots of people trying to give me free stuff, but I had no place to put it, so I didn’t take it. I had a thin fleece over my running clothes because it was a chilly morning, and so that I could carry my inhaler and iPhone. (I feel much more comfortable carrying both, in case of emergency, but I already want a Spibelt for next time). I pinned my bib on and tried to figure out where to be — I had a blue bib to be timed, but I knew I’d be slow, so I tried to find the back of the line for the blue bibs but in front of people with strollers and dogs and things like that.  

Still, when the race started it felt a little weird, almost like vertigo with the entire crowd moving at once. I knew I wanted to start out walking, but despite my attempt to place myself well, I still felt it was a little slow getting started. My goal was to “run a bunch” and end up with a time to beat next year. I walked up the hill to start, and then ran for most of Main street, where we were cheered on by firemen and UM students, which was neat. When I got to Lincoln, I walked, briskly, up that street. I was behind two people  who seemed similar to me in pace and ability, and I found myself using them as my motivation. If THEY could do it, so could I! 

Things I learned on Lincoln Street: It’s a lot longer than it seems when you drive it. Also, it’s a lot steeper. 

At mile 1, I checked my app, and I was about 15 minutes in, which is where I had hoped to be, even though I thought I might have run more at that point. At the to of the hill, the weather had really warmed up and I found myself hoping to see my family up there so that I could lose the fleece, but alas, they were not there. On the downhill there was a water station, which was so welcome, and I tied my fleece around my waist. There were cheerleaders from my university, and when I hit the 2 mile marker I had the realization that OH HEY, I was DOING THIS. Not so much covering the distance, because I could walk 5k easy, but I was RUNNING IN PUBLIC. Past people that MIGHT EVEN RECOGNIZE ME. Which might not seem like a big deal to some people, but for ME, a lifelong nerd/bookworm/non-athlete/last pick in gym class/needed special gym because of total lack of coordination? I was kind of excited.

I alternated running and walking for the return on Main Street, but then ran from the corner of Main & Railroad to the finish line. I could see the big clock ticking “46:52/:53/:54” and decided I wanted to be at 47:00 or less so I pushed through and made it, I am pretty sure. (I am really not sure how the whole timing thing works, but my app said “47:40” and I had turned that on before we got started..EDIT! My official time was 45:45, and I am thrilled because when I did a test 5k in my flat neighborhood last week, it was 48:25.) After I got some water, I called Dave to come pick me up, but the place he’d dropped me off at was now closed, and when I tried to call him back, his cell phone wasn’t on, so I ended up hanging out in front of the homeless shelter for 45 minutes trying to figure out where he might come from to find me. (That was the worst part of the whole day, so obviously, it was a good day.) When he arrived, Ingrid piped up “Mama! Did you win your race?!” And I told her “I was racing against myself, so I sure did.” Dave said they have already made plans to do it with me next year. 🙂

I already have plans for next year, and I hope we can form our team in the spring, as opposed to the few weeks before the actual event. I think it would be nice to have someone who doesn’t want to walk or run, be on our team to help at the waterfront — it’d have been nice to have a place to stash our stuff while running, and to have all had a meeting spot beforehand for pictures. I also definitely want a spibelt to carry my necessities, and if my family doesn’t do it with me, I want them to be at the top of the hill encouraging me! 

Above all of that that was my experience, though, was that I was especially moved by the back signs, especially ones that said “mom” or “sister.” (THere was one that was “In memory of: my sister, Kathleen” which, uh, really got to me. I am so fortunate that I don’t have a sign on my back, that it seems silly to be so self-conscious of the sign on my front. Which is why Race for the Cure was the perfect first-ever running in public event for me.

Jul 7, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

36 & 45:15


I turned 36 last week! And to commemorate, I decided I'd do a 5k.

There was an actual event on the day I planned to do it, a '3 mile' race, but when I looked at the form, I panicked. What does one doing C25K register for? I didn't want to be a cheating walker, and I didn't want to be the last runner. So instead of doing The Event, I just walked out of my parents' front door (we were visiting them for the holiday) and turned on my Walkmeter app and decided to go until I hit 3.1 miles.I started by listening to one of the workouts (that damned W4D1 that I am struggling with because it ends up being a week between workouts) but then decided to just run when I wanted and walk when I wanted. That pace marker is for that eleventh-of-a-mile, not the workout (obviously) because I was so ready to see 3.1 I ran the last part.

So, there's my baseline. I'm hoping to do the same route later this summer, and then this fall (basically anytime we visit my parents) and I am hoping to see my time improve.  I also hope to do the actual event next year, for turning 37. It looked great, and while I was out two cars stopped and asked if I wanted a ride to the start, assuming I was headed there (the race started at the end of the road and people made their way BACK to town, where I was going out and waiting for my husband to come pick me up!) and there was even a water station! I also thought that my route might be better because I'd be heading downstream, but there were actually a lot of uphills! And it was the most varied terrain I'd run on, only having done flat sidewalks in my neighborhood til that point.

Of those that did the event, one walker who is in his 70s finished faster than my run (not kidding) so I hope that I can at least beat him next year! In the actual event, as a confirmed Runner. Not this weird run/walk'er that I am now.

Tomorrow, I try again! (Do you sense a theme here? I just keep trying!)
Jun 21, 2011 - fitness    2 Comments

Finding time

I forgot to post last Friday, but I did w4d1 a second time, after a week passing since trying it the first time, and I did improve. Right now I'm just struggling to find the time! That part sucks. Fridays have been good, because I am on summer flex hours, I am able to go out first thing in the morning after the girls are ready for school (Dave does dropoff) and I usually leave before they do, but am back after they've gone. Then I can take a shower and start my day, and it's pretty great. Ideally, I'd end up being someone who could run in the morning, but that isn't happening for a while — for one, the baby tanks up in those hours, for two, it would mean totally changing our family rhythm, as right now I shower at night, and in the morning I get myself and the girls fed and dressed while Dave showers and gets ready. I leave before he comes downstairs (generally RIGHT before) and he takes them to daycare. If I were to try to run in the AM, I'd have to figure out how to get two showers in with enough hot water for both of us, plus start drying my hair, which is all precious minutes that I don't use right now. I do like starting my day with exercise, when I can (basically, at this point that's Friday and Sunday, if I'm lucky) but I don't know how that would work in reality.

After work is hard, too — I pick up the girls at 4:45 (in summer, 4:15 through the rest of the year) and Dave is home by 5:15, and we try to have dinner served at 6, and bedtime is 8. That window is where family time happens, or baths, or trash, or family walks, or whatever. Like tonight, after dinner I had to go to Hannaford, and on the way back I was thinking it was a gorgeous night and I should go run, but when I got back the kids were in the tub (Dave is the Bath Czar here) after getting (gloriously) dirty playing in the yard. And once Wil was clean, she was hungry and cranky and spent the next two hours wanting to be held and fed, so, yeah, the run didn't happen.

Obviously some of this stuff will improve with time, Wil will not always be so needy of my physical presence, at either end of the day, and Ing will be more independent as she gets bigger too, but rightnow? RIGHT NOW is hard for carving out time. And that's just thinking of MY time, not of Dave's wish to go on long bike rides in City Forest (as he's planned for Wednesday) which means I'm in charge, and even if we switched off every day so that we could each meet our fitness goals, that means we would basically never be together as a family of four. It's hard.

I contemplate things like maybe getting a cheap jogging stroller and taking Willa when I can, but that still leaves Ingrid to be minded, and she (obviously) cant be left alone. And I kind of LIKE the mental space going by myself gives me, and a stroller would impede on that, I think. And it still wouldn't buy me TIME.

So, folks, where do you find the time? How do you work it in? I know "make it a priority and you'll find the time" is one that I'll hear, and it's true that I'm prioritizing Willa's needs over my own right now, but after THAT, where can I find the actual time?

Distance: 2.18 miles
Average: 16:18 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:25 /mile
Walk Pace: 15:05
Run Pace: 12:54

Jun 10, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

Week 4, Day 1

Week Four!

Yeah, it was more like "attempted" than "completed" so I'm going to redo W4D1 again on Saturday. I've been off plan for two weeks because of a cold/sinusy thing, and just in the last few days felt like running wouldn't make my eyeballs pop out of my head. Since it had been two weeks, I was gentle with myself, and ended up walking several times in the runs. The workout for this day is that the runs are 3 minutes/ 5 minutes / 3 minutes/ 5 minutes and I got through most of the first three runs, but the last was rough, because the sun peeked out of the clouds and started warming up my already warm body and I felt gross.

This is also the first time I've run without my fleece, and I miss pockets! I tried an armband for my iphone, but I honestly hate it. It didn't feel secure on my arm so I held it in my hand, to get it in the armband I had to remove it from my regular case, and then it just felt awkward.  I also missed having a pocket for a key, and for my inhaler (while I was fine, I just feel better having it on my person) so maybe I need to find some other solution for holding the stuff that makes me feel confident out there.

And finally, after discussing "events" last time, it came up at a wellness meeting at work that we may get together a team for the Komen Race for the Cure, but that the person who always helped in the past has left… so I volunteered. So maybe I am "training for an event," even though it's three months away, it would be an interesting one to do since breastfeeding was such a motivator to land me in this spot, now. 

Distance: 2.18 miles (I walked a few minutes more than the 28 of the workout)
Average: 16:18 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:25 /mile

Walk Pace: 16:41
Run Pace: 13:45
May 28, 2011 - fitness    2 Comments

Week 3 is in the bag (again).

Another crazy busy week, but I finished week 3, again, this morning and am confident to tackle week 4 starting on Monday. Yay!

One thing I've found is that Runners find out about this and ask "what race are you training for?" and I really am not training for a race, I'm just racing to complete this program and then, well, we'll see. The race (like it is for many Runners) is against myself, and I'm doing it at my own pace — if I bomb week 4, I'll do it again, I won't just pull out, even if I want to.

But on the events/races/etc, is it better to be training for a Something? Should I set some goal of doing an honest-to-god 5k? I'm still not sure. 

Distance: 1.96 miles
Average: 15:51 /mile
Fastest Pace: 8:56 /mile

Walk Pace: 16:07
Run Pace: 12:12
May 22, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

W3D2, redo.

Another busy weekend, but I managed to get out first thing (well, after a bowl of oatmeal) this morning, between a day of working out of town and an afternoon of birthday partying.  Today, I even went on a different route. I live in the flattest neighborhood in Bangor, I think, and at this point I am not looking for hills and challenges like that, the biggest challenge for me is just learning to run. My neighborhood is like an outdoor treadmill, but I like it. I've been doing loops of my neighborhood, in my comfort zone, the same loop we use to walk with the whole family after dinner. I figure if I were to collapse, I could gasp out my street name and the people in my 'hood would know where it was (most people don't). Today I veered right instead of left, and  tried a whole new street, which was interesting, because in my usual route I have figured out what houses I usually run by, and what streets will likely be the end of a running segment, so while I'm not watching the clock, I kind of am. Going a new way took away those expectations, and I'm still not sure if it was good or bad, BUT, I did the whole day of W3D2 again, no stopping!

I've also added a link to my data that I've been recording using Google Docs, because I am a giant nerd. You can totally tell which days I took Ingrid with me.

Distance: 1.94 miles
Average: 15:40 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:06

Walk Pace:15:31
Run Pace:12:35
May 21, 2011 - fitness    1 Comment

W3D1 (repeated)

It had been a week since I ran, a combination of absolutely miserable weather and work commitments for both me and Dave. Because I am still nursing but not pumping, my window of opportunity is to go between Dave getting home and dinner, which can be tough. It’s not feasible for me to go right after work and delay picking up the girls, because it would not be comfortable, so for now I try to find that 30 minutes when I can. The ungodly weather doesn’t help, and I’ve worked the last two Saturdays out of town. I kind of wish I were more of a morning person and able to get up at five and get it done, but not feasible in the current state of the household. 

Anyway, because it had been a week and because I hadn’t been able to get through the very last run (3 minutes) without needing to walk in the middle, I decided to redo week three. I’m not training for any one thing or race, I am just trying to learn how to run. While it was raining, the weeks rain had made the ground slimy when it met with the fallen leaves and tree buds, and it was SO humid, I felt gross in my fleece. I’ve been wearing long pants, a short sleeve shirt (both poly wicking stuff from target’s c9 line, cheap, but works) and a fitness fleece from LLBean, because this has been the spring that wasn’t. I have an armband for my iPhone as the weather warms, but for now I’m just sticking it in my pocket, and I already know I’ll miss being able to look at the screen and fiddle with the controls. Yesterdays run found my app not playing my music (and looking at my data, it didn’t record a run pace at all) so I was fiddling to get something to listen to, and it will be annoying when it’s on my arm, I think. 

But anyway! I did it. Every second of week three, day 1, even if it was a repeat week. 

Distance: 1.81 miles

Average: 16:22 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:35 /mile

Walk pace: 15:31
Run pace: didn’t record!
May 13, 2011 - fitness    No Comments


It took longer than I planned to get to day 3, work, weather, family, etc. (excuses!) But I did it, today. I still had to walk in that last 3 minute stretch, so I think I'm going to redo week 3 until I'm back on my W/F/Sun schedule. I want to get that whole workout done as planned!

Distance: 1.82 miles
Average: 16:19 /mile
Fastest Pace: 10:14 /mile

Walk pace 15:50
Run pace 12:34
May 8, 2011 - fitness    No Comments


Mother's Day! So I took Ingrid with me and did the willy-nilly-park run, which was interrupted by needing to help ger get on the swing at one point, and off a climbing structure at another, so my paces are all off. Again, the first 3 runs were fine, but that last 3 minute stretch I needed to walk in the middle. I may end up doing this week twice, because I want to get that down before venturing farther. 

Walk Time: 40:05
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 1.77 miles
Average: 22:40 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:40 /mile

Walk pace 18:58
Run Pace 13:02
May 6, 2011 - fitness    No Comments

How I got here

There was an article a few weeks ago that got a lot of play in the national media, about how new mothers are less healthy than women without kids.

First thought: no kidding, having a family takes a lot of time away from focusing on yourself. FILM AT ELEVEN.


Second thought: wait, really? What about people like me?


I’m using all kinds of apps to do this C25k thing, and one of them is linked to, so I thought I’d check it out. On that site, it gives you a title. Mine says “Gretchen S, Athlete,” so I logged right into the settings to change that, because HELL-O I am not an athlete. Oh, I have medals from high school, absolutely! But those medals are from (no lie) county spelling bees and the Academic Decathlon. I was active in sports — I was the manager who calculated free throw percentages and kept my own score book for the coach. I didn’t wear sneakers, except in mandatory phys ed classes. I did wear penny loafers with francs in the slots because I was worldly like that.  The only sweat I’d break into was from trying to avoid being caught smoking Camel Lights before and after school. 

As an adult, I kept up with my uncoordination and dreaded the thought of being seen working out, would sometimes do a video in my own house, or go for a walk, but was paralyzed by the idea of doing any sort of public, group fitness. I had gained weight after losing the Camel Lights, but still…

Not. An. Athlete.

So when I logged into the profile for the Daily Mile site and saw that I could only choose from “Athlete, Runner, Cyclist, Triathlete, or Walker” I knew I was screwed. Where was “other?” Or my usual titles — mama, teacher, geek? Crap. So, I left it at “athlete” and every time I log in, I cringe a little bit, like I’m lying. 

Here’s how I got here.

My daughter was born in 2006, and insert cliches here, it was all of those. Part of my mothering of her was that I chose to breastfeed, for all of the usual reasons one chooses to do that, and I was very lucky and successfully nursed her until she wrapped it up on her own terms at 15 months. As part of being a nursing mom, I wanted to be an advocate for nursing moms, and so I only pumped for bottles at daycare, and just nursed her everywhere else. In restaurants, at the goat farm, in airplanes, in my car on the side of the road, in stores, at a funeral, at a wedding shower, birthday parties, my backyard, her doctor’s office, my doctor’s office, on the coast, at a lake, at a zoo. And because I could never be bothered to haul a lot of stuff (I never had a diaper bag, for instance) I also never hauled a nursing cover (and to me, those might as well be giant neon signs saying “BOOB HERE! RIGHT HERE!”) so I just lifted up my shirt, dropped a cup, and fed the baby wherever I needed to.

When she weaned, I wanted to do something for ME. I’d devoted over two years to growing and nourishing her, so I figured it was my turn, and I signed up for classes at the Y, specifically, a Group Power class, which is an hour of group weightlifting, set to music to pace you, and I was terrified to go that first day, because no doubt, I would trip, or drop something, or be pointed at because the NON ATHLETE was daring enter the gym, where the REAL ATHLETES go. But, I figured, I’ve whipped my boob out all over this town, so if I can do that, I can attempt to move my body in a meaningful way in a roomful of people. I sucked it up, and went. And it was AWESOME. I looooved Group Power, and became a regular, twice a week, attendee. Then I started doing the elliptical before or after that class, and I started being recognized at the gym. RECOGNIZED! I was a regular. When spring came and we started thinking about another baby, I left the Y to save money, and then I got pregnant, and had my second baby last April. Like with the first, this one has been nursed all over the place, and is still nursing, but with the advent of spring, I wanted to get back into the game of some kind of fitness. I didn’t sign up at the Y because with two, I am finding that it is easier to have a flexible time for exercise (as opposed to a class meeting time) so I decided to do the C25K. It is my goal to get back to the Y and the Group Power class when it gets cold, but for now, it’s easier to just work 30 minutes into my day as I can.

But, in addition to all of THAT? Here are other ways that motherhood has made me a healthier woman:

My daughter has learned to ski, and loves to ski. I hadn’t skiied in 17 years, but when she looked at me with those big brown eyes and said “Mama, maybe sometime you could ski with me?” I jammed my legs into my mother’s ski boots that were a half-size too small and took a few (omg, painful) runs with my daughter.

I bought a bike. I bought a cool Mom Bike (go to Rose Bike in Orono if you are around here, they were so good to my Not. An. Athlete. self and were great in helping me pick out a sweet ride) because we want to do bike rides as a family. Of course, then I got pregnant about 20 minutes later and last summer the newborn meant that family bike rides were going to be more of a 2011 thing (still need to find the baby a helmet!) but I bought a bike. And rode it. IN PUBLIC.


And I run, outside. Not on a treadmill in my basement (like I could fit one there, anyway) or at a gym, but OUTSIDE. On a fairly busy thoroughfare, for our city, and I don’t care who sees me. I figure, I have never, ever, ever seen someone running and thought “ewww, gross” but always thought “I’m jealous.” And if it’s a heavy person running? I think “they are so much stronger than me.” So I run, outside, past people watching tv, with people driving by me eating french fries, and I don’t feel embarrassed when my app tells me it’s time to walk, and I slow to a walk, because I am still moving my body, outside, in public, and I am doing it for my daughters, as well as myself. Because I want my daughters to see their mama as strong and brave and capable, and I want to be strong and healthy for them.  And when the 5 year old says “Mama, please can I run with you?” I take her, and we run to the park where she plays and I run around like a crazy person, or we run a little loop and then I run her back home, but she loves it, and I love it, too. I want her to one day see “athlete” next to her name and own it, and not cringe, like I still do. 

I’ll get there, someday. But for now, I’m here, and learning to run.

